Recently, it seems natural for me to make "confessions" to people around me. It doesn't mean I start to become that kind of butterfly with fabulous finesse to "be" familiar w/ people but simply transfer my personality into a softer one.
To be honest is never a easy-to-do job. We always pursue an ideal life style and exhaustedly strike the balance between relationships and career plans. We try hard to be a happier and better person, but I can't help to wonder "are we on the road aims at happiness or just the pathetically phony b-s. ?"

I have to admit that I had changed a lot these years though. Like trying hard to play a professional, cold-blood, result-oriented, and overly aggressive guy. I took time to adjust the mindset and fit in the so-called competitive and bloody reality but I had never been asking myself "what's the meaning of everything I've done?"

"We live like a machine..." I don't know when but it's already become kind of saying that might be bursted out from someone's mouth at anytime. We don't have to do so actually. It's up to your self-awareness and your courage. I do want to be the person who dare to fight against the sadness and choicelessness of my life. So I got to take some actions and do something "right."

No matter what the end-up result is. I think it's a start at least. I just want to be myself. No game, just life.


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